Fees and Finance

At Kidderminster College, we firmly believe that financial constraints should never hinder your educational aspirations. We offer various tailored financial support options through funding bodies designed to suit your circumstances and help you achieve your academic goals.

16-18 Support

Is your household income less than £32,300? Then you may qualify for the following: 

  • Free travel support
  • Free meal entitlements
  • Free equipment and trips

Our free travel passes cover bus and metro services and is dependent on your journey to college. 

You may also be eligible for a Vulnerable Bursary if you are: 

  • A young person living independently and in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit because you are financially supporting yourself or financially supporting yourself and someone who is dependent on you and living with you, such as a child or partner.
  • A young person in receipt or Employment Support Allowance or Universal Credit AND Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in your own right.
  • A young person in care or leaving care. 

19+ Support

Is your household income less than £32,300? The you may qualify for the following: 

  • Free travel support 
  • Free meal entitlement
  • Free equipment and trips
  • Free childcare support

You may also be eligible for an Advanced Learner Loan Bursary if: 

  • If you’re aged 19 or over and choose to study a course at Level 3 or 4, you may be entitled to apply for an Advanced Learner Loan; this is a national scheme that aims to help with the costs of studying. 

  • The loan is only repayable once you start earning over £32,300 per year and are taking steps to invest in your future career earnings and development.

  • For more information, you can:

    • Contact the National Careers Service on 0800 100 900 to help you make an informed decision.

    • Contact Student Services at KC for more information or advice in person, via email at studentservices@kidderminster.ac.uk or by calling 01562 512004

  • You can apply for your Advanced Learner Loan on the www.gov.uk website or contact Student Services for supporting help with completing your application.

Support details

Higher Education Funding