Who can apply for the 16-18 Bursary?
If you fall into one of the following categories, you will be eligible to apply for support from the 16-18 Bursary:
- Household income less than £37,300
- A young person:
- living independently and in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit because you are financially supporting yourself, or financially supporting yourself and someone who is dependent on you and living with you, such as a child or partner or:
- in receipt of Employment Support Allowance or Universal Credit AND Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in your own right or:
- in care or leaving care.
If you are eligible, what will you receive?
The support that you will be offered is specific to your household income.
If you have a household income of up to £25,000, you could receive the following support:
- FREE travel support (if you live 1 mile away from campus)
- FREE meal entitlement (£4.50 per timetabled day)
- FREE equipment and trips (equipment will need to be returned on completion of your course)
- Laptop loan
If you have a household income of between £25,001 - £37,300, you could receive the following support:
- FREE travel support (if you live 2 miles away from campus)
- FREE meal entitlement
- FREE equipment and trips
Who can apply for the 19+ Bursary?
If you fall into one of the following categories, you will be eligible to apply for support from the 19+ Bursary:
- Joint household or household with dependants - income less than £32,300
- Single household – an income of between £7,800 - £21,530
Please note, if your fees are not funded via the Adult Skills Fund or Advanced Learner Loan, you are not eligible to apply
If you are eligible, what will you receive?
The support that you will be offered is specific to your household income.
If you have a household income of up to £25,000, you could receive the following support:
- FREE travel support (if you live 1 mile away from campus)
- FREE meal entitlement
- FREE equipment and trips
- FREE childcare support
- Laptop loan
If you have a household income of between £25,001 - £32,300, you could receive the following support:
- FREE travel support (if you live 2 miles away from campus)
- FREE meal entitlement
- FREE equipment and trips
- FREE childcare support