A Kidderminster College apprentice has been shortlisted for a national award.

Zubeda Miah is a finalist in the 2023 Multicultural Apprenticeship Awards. The 18-year-old is one of ten young people shortlisted in the charity, voluntary and public services category.

Zubeda said: “When I saw my name as part of the shortlist for the Multicultural Apprenticeship Awards 2023 it was a whole wave of emotions from proud to overwhelmed and most of all heaps of excitement! I started my Apprenticeship in September 2021 and with many changes, challenges, and experiences all the way up until now, I could not have asked for a better ending to the completion of my Apprenticeship.

“Like all I have had my ups and downs however the ongoing support from family, Kidderminster college and Wyre Forest District Council has brought me to this moment and build me into the strong woman I am today. Having a huge opportunity such as this is indescribable and with the value it holds, I will ensure to reach beyond the stars and take any moment I can to inspire others to do even greater things.”

Zubeda’s tutor, Jayne Bartlett said: “I am delighted Zubeda has been short listed for this award as she deserves recognition for all her hard work.  She has a positive attitude and is always willing to support other peers on the same apprenticeship, sharing examples of where she can apply topics we are covering in class to her own workplace and adding context from her experiences. Throughout her apprenticeship she has embraced complex projects and problem solving, which have showcased her existing knowledge, skills and behaviours whilst also taking opportunities to develop them even further. She has also put her hand up to get involved in additional community projects going on in and around Kidderminster College and her own workplace. I’m very proud to be Zubeda’s tutor and know she can achieve anything she puts her mind to.”

Danny Pardoe, Business Engagement Lead for The Point Business Centre, said: “Rarely does a local apprentice receive national recognition, but Zubeda’s nomination is a testament to her unwavering determination and exceptional efforts. Her remarkable dedication shines through in both her academic achievements at Kidderminster College and her valuable contributions to the Wyre Forest District Council team.”