Interview Checklist

Please fill in the interview checklist below.

Interview Checklist

Personal Details
Student Number:
First Name(s):
Previous / Most Recent School:
Previous KC Student:
Does the applicant have a disability?:
Does the applicant have an EHCP?:
If yes, DO NOT offer a place until you have spoken to Learner Support -
Does the applicant require additional support?:
Does the applicant have mobility needs or conditions to disclose?:
If yes, please outline any learning, medical or mobility / accessibility needs that require additional support:
Does the applicant have mobility needs requiring support in the event of an emergency?:
Does the applicant receive support from social workers / foster carers / probation officers?:
If yes, please provide details of support from external agencies such as social workers / foster carers / or probation officers:
Does the applicant have any criminal convictions?:
If yes, please outline criminal convictions and you must email
Has the applicant applied elsewhere?:
Interview Discussion Points
Discussed applicants reason(s) for applying to KC:
Discussed applicants reason(s) for applying to this course:
Discussed course entry requirements and expectations:
Outlined study programme / course structure / attendance / assessment and exams:
Outlined work experience / DBS / residential trips / GCSE *FS / Equipment Costs:
Explained how progress is monitored via E-Trackr and the tutorial system:
Discussed progression routes:
Outlined financial support options (Bursary scheme) and course fees for 19+ learners:
Outlined entry requirements to University for higher education intentions:
Explained process following interview – course confirmation / enrolment / induction:
Please outline GCSE and any other qualifications below:
Interview Complete
Offer Made:
Course Level:
Offer Conditions:
Please outline
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