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Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? Need any tips for work experience? We've got all the information for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Top tips for a successful placement

Be prepared; ensure you know the company name and address. 

Who do you need to report to, and what time will you start and finish work? 

Have a reliable way to get to placement and ensure you give yourself enough time in the morning. 

Be punctual, and set your alarm so you get up on time. 

Try to have breakfast and start the day positively.

Ensure you have a wash and look presentable for your day at work.

Wear appropriate clothes for your workplace; this will be discussed before you start your placement.

Ensure you take lunch or have money to buy something if you are at work all day.

Ask for help if you need clarification. Don’t hesitate to ask relevant questions because the employer will see you are keen to learn.

Inform the employer if you have any medical/personal issues they need to be aware of

Report any accident or injury to the employer.

Follow health and safety information and procedures.

Do not use your mobile phone on placement unless permitted by the employer.

Do not post information about your work experience, employer, or colleagues on social media.

Be reliable, but if you cannot attend placement, contact the employer at least 30 minutes before your start time and contact the College absence line/eNotify.

Finally, enjoy the experience!

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What are the benefits to students?

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